Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blogging To The Bank 2010- The Truth!

Blogging has been around for a few years now. Most people use blogs to record their thoughts and lives, while the select few use them as a free way to make a fortune.
One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. In 2006 he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using blogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required. This is where his brand new, fresh off the press Blogging to the Bank 2010 system comes into play.

For those who know who Rob Benwell is like me, you’ve probably made a killing using blogs.
For those who don’t, he’s the story:

Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of college and was getting deep into debt. He was trying all the techniques the gurus tell you and wasn’t getting anywhere fast. All of that went in the bin and he started using his own techniques and started making more and more money using simple blogs. In early 2006 he shared this with the world and had a great ebook called blogging to the bank. Tons of people got rich from using these techniques (including me). He then spoke at Online Marketing Legend Yanik Silver’s underground Seminar where he revealed even more of his underground strategies. Then July 2007 he released Blogging to the Bank 2.0 which showed users his new methods to creating online wealth using blogs. In total both versions have been read by over 50,000 people across the world.
But as I said earlier, the techniques used in these ebooks are now showing there age. Some of them are not even working in the slightest! This is where blogging to the bank 2010 comes into play.
It’s full of great new techniques that work online right now! Everything’s explained in plain English with all the fluff cut out. I got hold of an advanced copy of the book for a much higher price than what it actually sells for and it has been worth every single cent! I got it in the afternoon and by the evening I was creating new profitable blogs. Within a couple of hours of them being active I had made a nice little profit.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 teaches you Rob's new step by step blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There’s even a section on advanced Search Engine Optimization. Most people think SEO is difficult but Rob explains this nice and simply so even the blogging newbie will understand it.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 is a breath of fresh air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make easy money online.
Click below for more information about this system
Click Here Now!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Getting Traffic To Your Website Or Links

Traffic is what you need in order for any affiliate program to work. Common sense, you may have the best product out there, but if no one sees it, how do you think you will make sales. This by far is the most important part of marketing. And don't think that for every visitor you get, you will make a sale, because that really is not realistic.
There are quite a few ways to create a ton of traffic to your website and/or links that will convert to sales:
  • PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising)
  • Articles
  • Email Services
  • Classifieds
  • Traffic Exchanges
  • Ranking High On Search Engines

There really is more then that, but these are just the most common ones that do work very well.

PPC advertising is the quickest and easiest way of driving traffic to any website or link by far. But, it also does cost money for that. Depending on what type of product or services you are dealing with, it can get very expensive as well due to such a high competition rate. Say you are trying to sell money making ideas, average quality key word for this type of area is between $2.00-$5.00 a click to be on the first page. If you think you can afford that and hope that people will buy the product or services, then by all means do it. Keep in mind clicks will come fast and your budget will drain quickly. Another key point is that you really do not want to advertise a cheap product or service through ppc that doesn't have a great conversion rate. For example if you were to market a service that cost $20.00 and you get a 50% commission, that means every sale you make you will get $10.00. If your key words are at $2.00 a click, that means that you need to make a sale every 5th click in order to just break even. Your in this for money right. For PPC advertising, keywords are the key. They will make you or break you. You need to find the right keywords that will drive quality traffic to you that will convert to sales. You don't want to drive traffic that are just looking around for information on your type of products or services.

Writing articles is a very great way of generating traffic and converting to sales, best of all, most of the article sites are free. I still actually have some articles out there that are still generating income for me. Some you are even able to post affiliate links in the article itself, others however you may need to post your links in a separate area, some also don't even accept affiliate links, so you need to do the research on which article site best fits you. Article marketing is usually best if you use the product as well. Mainly because the best way to promote with articles is by reviewing the product or services. Explaining the pros and cons and trying to sound biased at all. You need to try to convince the prospect to buy the product or service through your link. As long as you are believable and gain a trust from the prospect you will make sales over and over through articles and the best part of it, is that its free traffic, which means more money for you.

Email services and opt in mailing lists are the most overlooked category there is. These may not be the best sources of traffic, but every way you can get traffic is worth it. There are many services out there that have one time lifetime memberships where you are able to send email ads out to millions of opt in prospects once a day. The emails all go to people who opted in receiving information regarding what you are trying to advertise. You would be surprised how many sales you can actually receive from doing this.

Placing classified ads is a great way of getting a decent amount of sales. There are many different classified ads sites out there where you do not need to pay a membership fee and you will get targeted traffic through them. You will be reaching people that are actually searching for your product and services. The main key to doing classified ads is not to over sell the product. You want to just give the audience a peep show that will get them to click on the link. You need to let the links do the selling. So many others always try to oversell in classified ads, which in turn leads to people not even clicking on the link. You cant give the audience too much information, if you do they wont have any need to click on the link. All you need to do is get the prospects interested to know more of the product or services which will lead them to click on the link. The link will do the selling for you. You need to make sure you keep it simple and short while getting the potential customer excited to view your link.

Traffic exchanges are good for traffic, but not so hot for sales. After all, it is just an exchange for people that are trying the same as you. Most of them requires you to view ads for a certain amount of time in order to get credit. Credits are then used so people will view your ads. To me I find traffic exchanges a waste of time and effort. Though some have found success with them, I as of yet have.

Ranking number one on search engines will guarantee you tons of traffic and massive amounts of sales. This primarily corresponds if you have a website or blog. It also is not as easy as it seems. Remember, there is a lot of competition out there for just about every niche. You really need to have quality back links, good quality keyword rich content, and you cant give your site an appearance of a spam site. Every search engine frowns upon that and you will not rank at all if you are suspected of spam. It does usually take some time to get a great optimized site with plenty of back links up and running on the first page of any search engine, but there are a lot of ways of speeding up the process, which I will cover later.

For the most part, I found free traffic is the best traffic. It does take a little longer to get and more effort, but it will pay off in the future.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Right Affiliate Program

Key points to look at when finding an affiliate program for you:

  1. What type of marketing materials they do provide for you.
  2. The payout structure.
  3. Whether or not their payout structure has merit.
  4. How well their product is selling already (this can be a good and bad thing)

When deciding on an affiliate program, always take a look at their sales page and go through it in detail. Would it be a product or service that looks as though it will sell? How appealing is the site itself? Is it a product or service that you too would buy? Which, keep in mind, it would be a good idea to actually get the product yourself and see if it is worth advertising, then you actually would have a first person view on it and can give actual results from them. Asking yourself these simple questions when choosing an affiliate program for you can make or break your strategy. You do not really want to market something you really have no clue about, right?

When you decide on a program that has the possibility of selling and/or tried it and found some success, take a look at the marketing materials provided as well as the payout structure they offer. Is there enough material that you can use for marketing and making massive sales fast? If not, do you think you would be able to create your own material for it? Sometimes creating your own material is the best way to go, primarily because the material provided is usually used numerous times from other affiliates out there trying to do the same thing as you. Creating your unique material really is not that hard at all, which I will get more in detail later on in this blog.

When dealing with the payment structure of the affiliate program, keep in mind that there are different types of payouts:

  • Single Tier Payout
  • Multiple Tier Payout

Single Tier Payout

You will only receive one commission for every sale that you do. This is usually good only if the product is new and the demand for it is high. Remember, if it is an older product, usually a lot have it already and a lot of others are promoting as well, which means more competition and less are looking into that type of program, not to mention online information does become outdated fast.

Multiple Tier Payout

Here you can make multiple commissions in different ways. Some offer memberships, which in my success, I found very lucrative. There are monthly memberships, which you will make a commission every month from the program as long as the prospect stays with the product and pays. There are also yearly memberships that work the same way as well. When dealing with memberships, it is key to try it yourself, for this one reason, you want the customer to find use from it and keep paying every month or year, so you in turn will get an income from it every time, soon it may turn into a lucrative venture for you all on autopilot.

There are also other types of multiple tiers which there are trial periods, where the customer pays a portion up front and then pays the lump sum later. This is nice because it usually is a very low sum upfront which almost any can afford, and if they are satisfied the rest of the sum is usually big which will turn into massive profits for you. You could also find some affiliate programs that offer a ladder effect. These are good only if you are sure you will be able to get a lot of prospects. Here, you will get a commission when you sign others up and when they sign others up, you will get another commission, much smaller of course, but you get the picture. When dealing with this, it can be very lucrative if the people you sign up go through with it, but more often then always, it will be a dead end street. I found a lot of people who want to do this almost 80% will quite and there goes you streams of income. But by all means you can try and maybe you will become wealthy from it, I just found in my experience that this type has not worked for me.

Now, once you have selected a product or service that you find to be sell able and/or use it as well, with a great payout structure that you understand and feel it will be lucrative for you, with good marketing tools that they provide or you could easily create your own, and that the site has great merit, then sign up as affiliate. Now you have the power of knowing every detail of the product and you can start to market it to the world.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Basics

What is affiliate marketing?

Mostly known for when a business or company allows a person a chance to market, sell, or promote their online product for a percentage of the sale price. The reasoning behind affiliate marketing allows an online business to create an immediate sales force online to promote their products or services fast. This allows their product to be seen by millions more just for allowing others to promote their product or services for a fraction of the cost of it. Some commissions can be as high as 75% of the final sale price. For example, if you were to promote a product or service that cost $100.00 and made a sale, you would already make $75.00 in commissions. Imagine if you could do that 5 times a day everyday.... That could turn into $375.00 a day or even $2,625.00 a month, just for promoting a single product and making at least five sales per day.

I know what alot of you are saying:
I already know this.
I hear this over and over.
Well, if you already do know all of this, then why are'nt you making this kind of money?
If you know all this and are not making money from it, you are doing something wrong....
Which in turn is why I have created this blog, to show beginners like yourself the fundamentals behind making money through affiliate marketing.

Two Major Points To Remember:

  1. Keep it simple-don't over complicate things. Do not make things harder to understand then they really are. You are trying to get potential customers to buy from the companies business through your service. You are not trying to sell the product yourself, what you are really trying to do is get the customers to your affiliate links and let there websites do the talking, which is where so many affiliate marketers tend to fail at. They just try to sell to hard trying to promote it that the customers really have no need to go to the link and actually see the products sales page itself. This in turn will lead to very few or even no sales at all.
  2. In order to really start making money through affiliate marketing, you will need to do work. There is no system that will make you a multimillionaire in a day or even a week. But to be honest there are systems outh there that will help you get to where you want to be, but as stated earlier, expect to do some work to make it fit your expectations. Trust me, there will be alot of trial and error, but once you find your secret, you will be amazed how easy it really is.

Affiliate Marketing In A Nutshell

Well, to start, you will need to find an area where you will be able to start promoting others products or services. There are many out there and all do the same. My top two are clickbank and paydotcom. Either of these services are free to join as an affiliate and contains millions of different types of products and services that you will be able to sell and promote for money. You also have a choice in which you can promote or sell your own type of product or service. This in turn can be a great service for you to get you own content out to the world by just paying commissions to other affiliates.

Keep in mind there are many other programs that offer the same types of services and products. These are the two that I use and found very lucrative in my ventures. You can market as many different types of products from as many different types of affiliate sites, the you must remeber to keep it simple enough that you will be able to track and determine what is selling and why it is. This is why I mainly stick to these two. Be aware that some of the other affiliate sites, you will have to pay a membership fee. Which is another reason I like these two. After all you are trying to make money online, right?